Wibu product overview

Wibu-Systems offers solutions for licensing and for protection of digital products. Protection is always based on encryption via hardware, WibuBox or CmDongle, or via software in a license file. The vendor receives the highest security level and the user is provided with mobility of digital rights or binding without hardware to a user’s PC. The copyright is implemented in a user-friendly way so that legal rules are included.

CodeMeter and CodeMeterAct – software protection and license management
More than 7,000 developers worldwide use WibuKey and CodeMeter to securely protect their software and digital content against piracy. They benefit from flexible license management, simplified logistics, and new business models such as Pay-per-Use, modular licenses or network licenses. CodeMeter offers a range of unique functions such as the ability to store thousands of licenses (even from different software developers), easy online license transfer, and the user-friendly combination of flash memory and personal PC security functionality. CodeMeter spans across applications from smartphones to embedded software and production data in machines, and also from desktop PC platforms to server structures and cloud computing. CmActLicense is a software-based solution for companies offering low-cost software or large-scale enterprises. The license information is bound to the customer’s computer.

SmartShelter PDF
SmartShelter PDF protects PDF documents and so protects author’s rights. The SmartShelter software consists of a plug-in for Adobe Reader and also for Adobe Acrobat. The author creates encrypted and protected documents and provides to the authorized reader the license key stored in the hardware WibuBox, CmDongle, or in a CmActLicense file. Depending on the rights provided, the reader can read all or only parts of it.

CmCards for industry
CodeMeter has been extended especially for industrial needs. The CodeMeter hardware CmCards can be easily retrofitted for machines and plants and they are available in different form factors such as CFast, CompactFlash, SD, or microSD. An alternative is the space-saving CmStick/C for USB. They encrypt digital information such as embedded software, production data, machine logs, or service documents. Only the matching CmDongle decrypts the digital information making it accessible. Additionally CodeMeter can be used for know-how protection and integrity protection. It runs platform independent on Windows 32- and 64-bit, Windows Embedded and CE, Windows Mobile, Mac OS X, Linux, Realtime Linux; in the SoftSPS CODESYS, and the real time system VxWorks.

License management with the CodeMeter License Central
The flexible tool “CodeMeter License Central” assists software vendors to create, administer, and deliver licenses. It can be used for an easy manual creation and delivery of licenses as well as for providing integration with existing ERP or ecommerce systems. Providing ease of handling for all departments, CodeMeter License Central encompasses security and simple usability.

Source: Wibu