Walter has introduced WEP01C cermet turning indexable inserts with the highly positive, soft-cutting FX4 chip breaker geometry. The indexable insert with fully precision ground circumference is available in four basic shapes: CCGT, DCGT, TCGT and VCGT.
The titanium-carbide-based cermet substrate with the cobalt-nickel binder, is extremely wear resistant. The grade includes an exceptionally hard PVD AlTiCrN multilayer coating, which is very even and smooth to impart the finest surface finish. The multilayer coating provides the ultimate protection against wear, with a layer-bonding to prevent flaking.
Because of the ground chip breaker on these inserts, the inserts are handed (left hand and right-hand insert), but these are standard ISO shapes and sizes- so they are held in conventional ISO turning holders. The inserts also use ‘M’ or maximum material condition tolerance on the corner radii of the cermet, thus allowing for machining of small radius shoulders while utilizing maximum (larger) corner radius strength. The primary application for the WEP01C cermet inserts is turning steels and cast irons (ISO P and ISO K material groups). The secondary application is turning stainless steels (ISO M). The indexable inserts are suitable for finishing and fine finishing with continuous cuts and slightly interrupted cuts.
The recommended machining parameters are a feed (f) of 0.001" to 0.010" (0.02mm to 0.25mm) and axial depth of cut (ap) of 0.004" to 0.100" (0.1mm to 2.5mm).
Potential benefits of the WEP01C cermet indexable inserts include generating visibly shiny surface on the component at high and low cutting speeds, an extremely soft cutting action to prevent vibration and a longer tool life and higher productivity in comparison to carbide inserts. In addition, no cutter compensation is necessary over long periods to cut, to achieve maximum dimensional accuracy. With multilayer coating, the WEP01C cermet inserts provide maximum wear resistance.