The DiSTI Corp. has released GL Studio 6.3, for performance, fidelity, and reliability in HMI/UI development.
This latest release encompasses several new GL Studio features and GLS-Map Toolkit enhancements, and 50 additional GL Studio improvements allowing designers and developers to create 2D and 3D HMI/UI without compromise for aerospace, medical, automotive, and defense markets. The features and enhancements save designer/developers time and maintain high-quality design while saving significant production costs, upscaling the user experience.
GL Studio 6.3 features several new enhancements that include:
- Improved Package Management System adding searchable/sorting functionality to the GUI; customers can search and sort the system saving time with simplistic interaction
- Conditional Rendering frees up processing power for other tasks; enables stronger multitask functionality
- Multiple text enhancements such as text ligature controls for use of complex text layout resulting in more text readability/control; improves legibility, better readability with designer fonts
- New PSD Importer for text rendering in various languages; easier to localize text, design for multiple geographic regions with a single pass
- The GLS-Map Toolkit (1.5.1) optional add-on, released with UTM projection for Shapefiles and customer render callback support