VersaBuilt robotics: The future of CNC automation

VersaBuilt solutions are already making a substantial impact, helping machine shops across the globe achieve higher productivity with less labor.



VersaBuilt is revolutionizing the CNC machining industry with its innovative and user-friendly automation solutions. As a growing company to watch, VersaBuilt stands out by making advanced automation accessible to all machinists and operators, regardless of their technical expertise.

Why VersaBuilt is different
1. No robot programming required:
VersaBuilt's automation systems are designed for ease of use, eliminating the need for complex robot programming. Existing machinists can operate the systems seamlessly, enhancing productivity without requiring specialized skills.

2. Patented MultiGrip and DuoGrip technologies: The company's innovative MultiGrip and DuoGrip systems streamline the process of adding new parts, addressing the challenges of both dedicated and high-mix CNC machining. These technologies ensure efficient, reliable part handling, making automation straightforward and hassle-free.

3. Standardized, fully configurable solutions: VersaBuilt offers standardized automation systems that are fully configurable to meet specific needs. Built on a common platform, these systems require no additional integration or engineering, ensuring a smooth transition to automation and reducing implementation time and costs.

4. Comprehensive support and transparency: Customers benefit from unmatched system support via phone and email, with remote connectivity allowing the VersaBuilt team to quickly diagnose and resolve issues. The company also provides free access to extensive resources, manuals, and downloadable content on its website, ensuring complete transparency and support.

5. Quick setup and production: VersaBuilt’s automation systems can be installed and operational within one to two days, minimizing downtime and rapidly enhancing productivity. This quick setup time allows businesses to see immediate improvements in efficiency and output.