What's the fastest growing segment in automation?

Find out when you registration is open for the Collaborative Robots: Fundamentals & Future Trends webinar, taking place May 19, 2021 @ 1PM ET.

GIE Media

GIE Media

Collaborative robots (cobots) continue to be the fastest growing segment in automation. Cobot arms are small, quick-to-implement and offer fast return on investment. In this one-hour webinar, you’ll listen in on a lively discussion about collaborative robots: their basic technology, safety, and industry growth; and hear how cobots are impacting all manufacturing types, and the trends that are evolving. Hear from a robot manufacturer, integrators, and distributors and all attendees will be able to ask questions during this live event.

  • Joe Campbell, Head of US Marketing, Universal Robots
  • Sam Bouchard, CEO, Robotiq and Author of “Lean Robotics”
  • Silas Robertson, Senior Vice President, Olympus Controls
  • Josh Pawley, Director of Business Development and Founding Partner, Vectis Automation
  • Jared Sandman, President, Fancort Industries

Once registered, even if you can’t attend the day of, a recording of the webinar will be sent about 1 week after the live event.