Vision Engineering launches microscope trade-in program

Users can trade in microscopes to receive a 25% discount on Mantis eyepiece-less microscopes.

Vision Engineering

Vision Engineering

Vision Engineering Inc., a manufacturer of optical and digital inspection and non-contact measurement systems, has launched a microscope trade-in program for North America aimed at all microscope users. Users can trade in any microscope and receive a 25% discount on Mantis eyepiece-less microscopes through Aug. 31, 2020.

The program was developed to help manufacturing companies upgrade by switching their existing microscopes for eyepiece-less microscopes as they plan workspace and equipment use in compliance with new health and safety guidelines.

Microscope operators often need to share microscopes. When using a conventional binocular microscope, the user must position themselves very close to the eyepieces, in some cases touching them. The eyepieces then become a conduit for cross-contamination. Users can wear safety goggles, but this furthers the distance between the user’s eyes and the eyepieces and limits the view of the subject. Wiping down the eyepieces is another option, but users may forget or simply not follow protocol. The cleaning process also takes time away from production and user productivity.

The Mantis range of stereo microscopes can be shared safely among users. Safety goggles and masks can be worn when using the eyepiece-less systems without disrupting productivity and field of view.

“As a company we share in the challenge of making the workplace safer for our employees. By offering the opportunity to invest in technology that can make inspection tasks safer, we hope to help,” says Richard Nagel, VP of Sales and Marketing, Vision Engineering.

Additional eyepiece-less stereo systems manufactured by Vision Engineering include the Lynx EVO stereo microscope and the Swift PRO non-contact optical measurement system.