Starrett opens doors to students on Manufacturing Day

Visitors to the Starrett Manufacturing Training Center will get an overview of how a Starrett No. 230 outside micrometer is manufactured.

The L.S. Starrett Co

The L.S. Starrett Co

The L.S. Starrett Company has announced it will open its doors again this year to welcome students/schools, state representatives, and the community to participate in its third annual Manufacturing Day on Friday, Oct. 4, 2019, from 10:00am to 2:00pm at Starrett Corporate Headquarters, 121 Crescent St., Athol, MA.

October is recognized as Manufacturing Month, when thousands of manufacturers across North America participate in Manufacturing Day to educate millions about modern manufacturing and generate interest in the manufacturing trades in order to build a stronger, skilled workforce.

This year Starrett will be giving guided tours at its headquarters. Attendees will learn how a Starrett micrometer is manufactured. Visitors will be welcomed with a general introduction, including a visit to the new Starrett Manufacturing Training Center where an overview of making a Starrett No. 230 Outside Micrometer will be given, followed by visits to the various departments where the micrometer is made. In addition to seeing the full micrometer manufacturing process, other in-depth tours can be scheduled by request and the Starrett history museum will also be open for viewing.

Registration for Starrett Manufacturing Day in Athol is preferred by Monday, Sept. 23, 2019. Please contact Starrett Human Resources by phone at 978.249.3551, by email:, or online.