FutureScape: Crafting Tomorrow’s Supply Chain Today

Lisa Anderson, supply chain expert publishes mid-year special report on future supply chain strategies.

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CREDIT: AdobeStock_485016281-By -Kate3155

Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., is excited to announce the publication of her latest mid-year special report, FutureScape: Crafting Tomorrow’s Supply Chain Today. This report shares critical insights into strategic shifts and innovations that are reshaping the future of supply chain management.

“As businesses navigate a landscape marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), the need for bold, resilient and innovative strategies has never been greater,” says Ms. Anderson. “Our FutureScape report is designed to help companies not just survive but thrive by preparing today for the supply chain challenges of tomorrow.”

The special report covers critical areas such as the impact of global supply chain disruptions, the ongoing scarcity of high-skilled talent, the transformative power of advanced technologies and the need for resilient, adaptive and regionally focused supply chains. Each year, Ms. Anderson reaches out to experts in industries supporting manufacturers and supply chains for their observations on current trends and how businesses can leverage them to stay ahead of the curve.

“Our focus on thought leadership allows us to keep our clients ahead of changing conditions,” Ms. Anderson continues. “In this report, we explore the opportunities that lie within these challenges and provide actionable strategies for companies to secure a leading position in their industry.”

FutureScape: Crafting Tomorrow’s Supply Chain Today is available on the LMA Consulting website. To download a copy, FutureScape Special Report.

LMA Consulting specializes in guiding businesses through turbulent times with strategies and processes like SIOP (Sales, Inventory, Operations, Planning) and supply chain optimization. This latest report is a testament to LMA Consulting’s commitment to helping businesses navigate the complexities of the modern supply chain landscape.