Programs earn national accreditation from NIMS

Clarksburg Technical Education Program and Sedalia Metals Technology – Machine Tool Program earns national accreditation from NIMS.

Fairfax, Virginia – Established in 1973, the Machine Tool Technology Program at United Technical Center set a new height in program history by becoming nationally accredited by NIMS as of Dec. 22, 2015. NIMS Accreditation is the highest benchmark for metalworking training programs in the United States as based on national, industry- written and industry-driven skills standards.

With this national accreditation the training program demonstrates its commitment to providing industry-level training for the Harrison County community, the state of West Virginia, and for the greater U.S. Manufacturing Industry.  Tech center staff and faculty met the stringent quality requirements set forth by NIMS, which included a program self-audit, the certifying of faculty and students in NIMS national, industry credentials, and an intensive two-day on-site evaluation at the center.

The on-site evaluation occurred in November 2015 and was conducted by NIMS Lead Evaluator Gregory Chambers (Oberg Industries Inc.) who was assisted by Education Representative Kurt Norris of BridgeValley Technical and Community College and Industry Representative Greg Racicot of Haas Factory Outlet-Midwest. The visit included a comprehensive facility inspection, observation of student safety habits and a series of in-depth interviews with faculty, administrators, and local employers.

This accreditation is based on NIMS National Skill Standards for Machining Level I with a focus on the manual machining skills.

In the second recent news release from NIMS, established in 2012, The Metals Technology – Machine Tool Program at State Fair Community College has set a new height the nearly four years of operation by earning national accreditation from NIMS as of January 6, 2016.

As a nationally accredited program the institute demonstrates its commitment to continuous improvement as it provides industry-level training for the Sedalia community, the state of Missouri, and for the greater U.S. Manufacturing Industry. In doing so, college personnel have met the stringent quality requirements set forth by NIMS which include a program self-audit, the certifying of faculty and students in NIMS national, industry credentials, and an intensive two-day on-site evaluation at the center.

The on-site evaluation occurred in late fall 2015 and was conducted by NIMS Lead Evaluator Tom Rhoads (American Railcar Industries, Inc.) who was assisted by Education Representative Chris Muenks (State Technical College of Missouri, formerly Linn State).

After a comprehensive facility inspection, observation of student safety habits and a series of in-depth interviews with faculty, administrators, and local employers, the team was highly impressed and issued above-average ratings in the evaluation areas of:

  • Purpose
  • Program Features
  • Equipment, Tooling, & Measuring Devices
  • Administration
  • Faculty & Instructional Staff

This accreditation is based on NIMS National Skill Standards for Machining Level I and Level II with a focus on milling and lathe operations.

Source: NIMS