A New Level of Precision in Metal Machining

What is PEM technology?

The PEM (Precision Electrolytic Machining) Process is an advanced, highly accurate metal-working technique based on electrolysis. The result is precise shapes with excellent burr-free surface finish, some as low as 1-4 micro inch Ra. This new technology generates highly-complex geometrical shapes which cannot be efficiently manufactured using conventional chipping making processes.

The specific advantages of PEM-machined workpieces offer an extensive range of possible applications in a variety of industries including medical, automotive, aerospace, tool and die, diesel, fluid power and control.

Why PEM?
PEM has made it possible to significantly extend and improve the application possibilities associated with the conventional ECM cavity-sinking process. The benefits of PEM technology include:

  • Can be used to process virtually all metals and alloys in large or small quantities;
  • Speed is not dependent on hardness or toughness of the material, so exotic or hard alloys can be just as quickly as soft material;
  • Parts are machined burr free and finished in a single operation;
  • Fast machining rates with high production repeatability;
  • Electrode replication accuracy is increased by employing a very small working gap; thus significantly smaller structures and shapes such as prongs, holes, cavities and inscriptions are easily produced;
  • No mechanical contact therefore no stress produced in workpieces;
  • With no mechanical or thermal load on the tool, there is no possibility of wear, offering extremely long tool life;
  • Simultaneous production of many parts in parallel is possible; and
  • Sequential rough machining then very fine machining to quickly produce highlycomplex structures is possible.

How does PEM technology work?
PEM is an advance in electrochemical machining (ECM) that incorporates pulse power and an oscillating cathode tool. In ECM, metal is machined in a non-conventional manner through the use of electricity and chemistry to quickly and accurately dissolve metal and produce the desired end product.

The PEM process is a precision electrochemical metal removal technology using vibrating electrodes and a regulated working gap of typically 10 ?? 20 microns. With the innovative, PC-based PEM machine, a pulsed direct current is applied between the electrode (tool) and the anode (workpiece). As electrons cross the gap during the pulse, material on the workpiece is dissolved in accordance with the geometry of the tool. This gives rise to complex geometrical shapes in practically all metals. Pressurized electrolyte is injected at a set temperature while the gap between tool and workpiece is open to flush away the metal hydroxide formed in the process.

To learn more, visit www.pemtechnologies.com

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