Electronic gage amplifiers

New P3up and P7up electronic gage amplifiers are intended for connection to Marposs measuring heads.

Auburn Hills, Michigan – Marposs Corp.’s new generation P3up and P7up electronic gage amplifiers are intended for connection to Marposs measuring heads, and represent an economical, practical, and reliable solution for in-process workpiece monitoring on grinding machines. The P3up is ideal for simple in-process gaging applications, while the P7up is intended for applications that are more complex.

The P3up and P7up are intended for direct pin-for-pin replacement of older, obsolete Marposs electronic gauge amplifiers. The new units will extend the life of older in-process gage applications without dramatically impacting the machine control or gage system. This minimizes the cost impact on upgrading expired electronics. 

Using the P3up or P7up amplifier, together with Marposs measuring heads, permits real-time monitoring of the grinding process. As the part is being ground, the stock removal is measured and compared to set points that the process requires in order to control the machining process and part quality.

The new electronic gage amplifiers and Marposs measuring heads are suitably protected for use in hostile workshop environments.

Source: Marposs Corp.