MachineMetrics’ free remote monitoring solutions

This program enables social distancing and remote work via digital apps to keep plants running.



In this difficult time, while some manufacturers have been forced to change strategies temporarily, others have a need to double down on what you do best. By enabling mobile workers, industrial companies are better able to ensure the safety of their workers while continuing to serve their customers. Many of our customers are on the front lines delivering solutions during this crisis; MachineMetrics is committed to supporting the front-line worker on the manufacturing floor and in the medical field.

At this critical moment, we’re offering our services to all manufacturers and manufacturing efforts to empower them to work remotely and continue to keep their plants running during this crisis:

MachineMetrics manufacturing support to those contributing to the fight against COVID-19

Free access of MachineMetrics IoT Platform and remote monitoring applications for any manufacturer involved with the production of Ventilator parts, test equipment, protective equipment, or any COVID-19 related manufacturing support, as well as to help companies produce new products, increase production volumes, and bring therapies faster to market.

MachineMetrics currently supports a number of the top precision component and medical device manufacturers in the world and is uniquely capable to support this initiative. Our platform is plug-and-play, with no on-site set up required so any manufacturer can install it themselves. Most modern equipment can be connected within minutes and provide a number of use cases to support social distancing and remote work including automated data collection, remote production, maintenance, and service monitoring, mobile alerts and notifications, and analytics to optimize scheduling and staffing decisions.

MachineMetrics is offering its manufacturing consulting services free of charge. MachineMetrics customer solutions team has first-hand experience leading digital transformations in manufacturing across the industry, including regulated medical device and precision component environment. They’ll partner with you to support training, use case consultation, and continuous improvement activities needed to ramp production fast and reliably.

We’ve set up a dedicated website so you can learn more about our COVID-19 Response Program Here.

Finally, in the coming days/weeks, our data science team will be focusing their efforts on reporting the impact of Coronavirus on the manufacturing industry. We’ll be making this information regularly available on our blog and through social media with the goal of providing as much insight as we can to our customers and the manufacturing community as a whole.

Our goal is to provide manufacturers with the data they need to make the best decisions possible in the coming months. Now more than ever these capabilities are particularly useful as many are forced to work away from their factory floors. Let us know how we can help your business and stay safe.