IMTS 2024 Conference: Bridging the Past and Future: Unleashing Legacy Machinery Potential in the Industry 4.0 Era

Learn how to modernize legacy CNC machines.

Bridging the Past and Future: Unleashing Legacy Machinery Potential in the Industry 4.0 Era with Excellerant
GIE Media's Manufacturing Group

Wednesday September 11 1:15 PM CST
IMTS44 Room W193-B

About the presentation
This presentation provides an insightful examination of the role of DNC software in modernizing legacy CNC machines for integration into the Industry 4.0 digital ecosystem. It addresses the challenge of digital transformation in manufacturing, debunking the myth that older machinery impedes progress. By leveraging innovative DNC solutions, the presentation showcases how legacy equipment can become intelligent components of a digitally connected manufacturing environment. The discussion spans several critical areas: the integration of legacy equipment to enable smart manufacturing, the importance of cybersecurity and operational efficiency, the need for workforce digital literacy, the promotion of sustainability, and the enhancement of supply chain resilience. It emphasizes the transformative potential of DNC software in making manufacturing processes more interconnected, efficient, and responsive, while also advocating for sustainable practices and robust cybersecurity measures. This comprehensive approach encourages manufacturers to embrace digital growth opportunities without discarding existing assets, fostering a more inclusive, sustainable, and resilient manufacturing future.

Meet your presenters
For over 30 years, David A. Messineo has championed digital transformation, excelling in product management, design thinking, adaptive organizations, and data-driven engineering in several vertical markets, including manufacturing, supply chain & logistics, finance, IT, and telecommunications. His leadership has empowered similar initiatives of Industry 4.0, implementing Six Sigma, simulation & optimization. Tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have recognized his work on scalable AI/Data Science solutions. Previously, his work was featured in Harvard Business School's Executive MBA program. Currently, he is focused on IIoT, digital twins, Generative AI, spatial analytics, data observability, and service brokerage capabilities to empower the digital factory.

John Carpenter has been a luminary in the DNC marketplace for over 25 years, with a career foundation rooted in electronics training from the U.S. Navy. He pioneered Smart Manufacturing by developing the world's first wireless DNC connection, showcasing his innovative spirit. Before co-founding Excellerant, a leader in DNC software and CNC monitoring, John was executive vice president of MACDAC Engineering, guiding it until its acquisition by TriMech. At Excellerant, he continues to drive advancements in manufacturing technology, demonstrating a commitment to efficiency, connectivity, and industry leadership in Industry 4.0.