Edge of Bliss initiative aims to fill manufacturing job vacancies

Effort supports goal of staffing the 583,000 job vacancies in critical industry.


Edge of Bliss has announced a robust plan to address the critical labor shortage affecting the manufacturing sector as part of its ambitious "Mission: 2.4 in 2024." This initiative aims to boost the labor force participation rate by engaging sidelined workforce members with skills-based hiring practices and emphasizing the value of transferable skills for career changers and those reentering the job market.

Edge of Bliss is leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics to predict and respond to job market trends, facilitating a more dynamic and responsive approach to employment. This strategy not only supports job seekers in navigating career transitions but also aids employers in tapping into a broader and more diverse talent pool.

Benefits for employers

  • Access to diverse talent: Employers will have the opportunity to connect with a vast, untapped talent pool, including career changers and reentrants to the job market, enriching the diversity of their teams.
  • Enhanced recruitment efficiency: By utilizing Edge of Bliss's platform, employers can streamline their recruitment process, making it faster and more cost-effective to find the right candidates.
  • Competitive advantage: Embracing innovative hiring practices, such as skills-based hiring, positions employers at the forefront of industry trends, enhancing their attractiveness to potential employees.

Benefits for job seekers

  • Expanded opportunities: Job seekers will find new avenues to apply their skills in roles that may have previously seemed out of reach, thanks to the emphasis on transferable skills and skills-based hiring.

Impact on policymakers and community stakeholders

  • Economic resilience: By filling critical vacancies and expanding the workforce, Edge of Bliss's initiatives contribute to the overall economic resilience and growth.
  • Community development: A robust job market strengthens communities, supporting local development and prosperity.

Special incentives for employers and job seekers
To encourage employers to explore this enriched talent reservoir, Edge of Bliss is offering a 50% discount on the first month for job postings on EdgeOfBliss.com. Additionally, job seekers will benefit from complimentary access to “The Career Changers Handbook,” a free eBook packed with actionable advice on leveraging transferable skills for a successful career pivot. Edge of Bliss also offers free resume posting for job seekers, further removing barriers to entry into the workforce.

"Edge of Bliss is dedicated to reshaping the employment landscape," said Jared Allen, CEO at Edge of Bliss. "Our focus on skills and adaptability in the workforce goes beyond merely filling job openings; it’s about cultivating an inclusive, resilient, and prosperous economy."