Coolant Care: What to know before restarting machines

Blaser Swisslube offers helpful resources for shops ramping up production after the shutdown.



Blaser Swisslube created a new landing page at with helpful resources for shops ramping up production after the shutdown. It includes a re-start checklist for water-miscible coolants, video tutorials for proper machine cleaning, and the guide “Coolant Care – 7 Tips for Success.”

Any shop that had machines sit idle during the shutdown will benefit from expert guidance on how to restart machines the proper way. Even when machines are not running, chemistry and microbiology continue to be active in the sump. Without care and maintenance, even top-quality coolants can develop unpleasant odors, contribute to corrosion in the machine, or leave a residue on finished parts. Before ramping up production, learn how to check that the coolant is in good and stable condition and ready for re-use.

For some shops, a production stop is an opportunity to dispose of old coolant and change or upgrade the metalworking fluid. The Blaser know how tutorials also provide step-by-step guidance on how to clean and refill CNC machines while avoiding contamination of the fresh emulsion. Benefits of upgrading the metalworking fluid include improved cutting performance and tool life plus less maintenance in the future. The right metalworking fluid can also contribute to an overall cleaner and healthier shop environment.