2015 Qosina stock components

Largest selection of parts for the medical OEM, kit packer, and pharmaceutical industries, offering free samples, low minimums, and Just-in-Time (JIT) delivery.

Edgewood, New York – The 2015 Qosina Catalog offers easy browsing of thousands of stock components on a one-centimeter grid. Qosina has the largest selection of parts for the medical OEM, kit packer, and pharmaceutical industries, offering free samples, low minimums, and Just-in-Time (JIT) delivery. The vast product range, along with complimentary samples, makes Qosina the first stop for all design engineers and purchasing agents who are sourcing components for current and future projects. Qosina offers high volume pricing discounts and supply chain management services. 

Features of the new catalog include a category structure based on product function, a robust index to effortlessly find components by application or keyword, and more products in fewer pages with easy to read tables, while maintaining life size images. To request a copy for your reference shelf, contact a customer specialist at 631.242.3000, info@qosina.com, or visit our website at www.qosina.com

Source: Qosina