January February 2014
Features: Slinging MUDs
Components 4 Design: Enabling today’s wireless medical devices, implants
Components 4 Design: Products
Features: 2014 Forecast: Optimistic, game changing, transitioning
Features: It’s make or break time for UDI compliance
Expert Design: Component material machinability
Industry Infographic: Printing the human body*
1 Last Look: What’s next?
Reference Guide: Coming in on time
Small World: Need different types of tissue? Just print them.
Supply Chain: 6 ways to ensure a company has true supply chain execution convergence
Technology Prescription: Precision machining complex geometries
Cover Shots: Cover shots
Current Pulse: Current pulse
Editor's Page: We need to change – embrace, adapt, stay ahead
Implanting Success: Implanting success
Technical Solutions: Machining micron-sized components