VisionGauge digital optical comparator

Bone screw inspection & measurement module


The VisionGauge Digital Optical Comparator offers inspection advancements and overall cost reduction for medical bone screw manufacturers. The comparator offers an enhanced dedicated complete dual-rotary assembly, designed specifically for the fully automated inspection and measurement of bone screws. It allows the full rotation of the screw (to check run-out, for example), its orientation at the helix angle, and more. This module also includes dedicated workholding (either pneumatic or manual) compatible with bone screws with or without a thru hole.

When fitted with a pneumatic chuck, this dedicated dual-rotary assembly can be used in a fully automated bone screw manufacturing cell, with robot loading & unloading, for lights out operation.

With its range of measurement tools and flexibility, VisionGauge has no problem inspecting & measuring 100% of the features on bone screws, including the head, the thread, and the tip.

The system also has a patented Tooth Checker tool, a key feature ideal for inspecting bone screw threads. This easy-to-use tool imposes no limit on the part’s geometry and can ensure, almost instantly and regardless of the screw’s clocking, that all the threads’ peaks and valleys fall within the specification tolerance band.


August 2023
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