Multi-Axis Motion System

Ready-to-run solution offers designers a faster, easier, and more compact option.

Complex motion control applications often require the design of custom systems, which is usually expensive and time consuming for project developers. Today, making this phase faster and easier is the Technosoft multi-axis motion system – iPOS360x SX – giving designers an extremely compact (100mm x 98mm x 37mm) ready-to-run solution based on the new family of Technosoft iPOS drives.

The iPOS360x SX allows users to plug in up to four iPOS3602 VX or iPOS3604 VX intelligent drives, and provides all the necessary connectors (motor, encoder feedback, and I/O signal) for each drive. The drives connect through a CAN-bus link, while two CAN-bus connectors – plus an optionally connectable terminal resistor – ensure a rapid connection to any CAN-bus network configuration. An RS-232 link offers easy access to all drives, for setup and testing, using a standard PC.

Using iPOS drives, the iPOS360x SX multi-axis motion system offers a cost-effective solution for controlling up to four DC brushed, (rotary or linear) brushless, or step motors (4 x 144W, 4 x 36V). Each iPOS360x drive has a built-in motion controller and provides PLC features. Each can operate as a standard CiA402 CANopen slave drive or, using Technosoft Motion Language (TML), can be programmed to execute complex motion programs directly at drive level. The TML language programming allows each drive to execute complex motion sequences including setting of various motion modes, I/O signals handling, arithmetic and logic operations, conditional jumps, and calls or data transfers between axes. iPOS360x SX enables users to implement a multi-axis system by configuring any drive as master. The application master drive will call each axis to execute and confirm complex TML functions. The slade drive can also be programmed to send information messages to the master drive periodically, so the latter can monitor each task’s progress. If the master is at PC or PLC level, the iPOS360x drives operate as intelligent slaves in a similar manner as above, while executing their TML program stored in the local non-volatile memory.


  • Four-axis motion system using iPOS3602 or iPOS3604
  • Four brushless, DC brush, and step motors
  • 7V to 36V logic, 9V to 36V motor power supply
  • Up to 4A continuous, 10A peak per drive
  • CAN communication between axes
  • RS-232 and Ethernet for setup
  • Communication: CAN-bus up to 1Mb/s, RS-232 up to 115k, and Ethernet 100Mb/s
  • CAN-bus protocols: CANopen (CiA301 v4.2, DSP305 v2.2, DSP402 v3.0) or Technosoft’s TMLCAN, selectable through a jumper
  • Delivery options: from one to four iPOS3602 VX or iPOS3604 VX
    Intelligent Servo Drives
  • Feedback devices supported:
    • Incremental quad encoder (single-ended, open collector, and differential)
    • Analog sine/cosine incremental encoder (differential 1Vpp)
    • Digital and linear Hall sensors
  • Easy configuration and programming with EasyMotion Studio software platform
  • Protection to over-current, short-circuit, earth fault, over-/ under-voltage, and control error


Canton, Mich.

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