Here is an opportunity to express your view

Each and every day I watch the national news on television and listen to radio talk shows. I also ready two daily newspapers. Then, just as I think a particulary story cannot be topped, another story comes along that dispels that thought.

Tom Grasson Each and every day I watch the national news on television and listen to radio talk shows. I also read two daily newspapers. Then, just as I think a particular story cannot be topped, another story comes along that dispels that thought.

Now, I must admit that the passing of the healthcare bill did not come as a total surprise to me. However, what did take me back was the infamous statement by the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). When she said that we will just have to pass this healthcare bill to find out what is inside it, I couldn’t believe I heard her correctly. I’m not sure if she thinks that the American people are that dumb and just don’t care, or if it is pure arrogance on her part.

Perhaps the Speaker of the House forgot that the U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775, giving the government 235 years to get it right, but it is still broke. Social Security, on-the-other-hand, was established in 1935 and 75 years later, under the careful watch of the government, it too is broke.

Perhaps Pelosi doesn’t remember that the War on Poverty was started 46 years ago and today more than a $1 trillion of tax payer money is being transferred to the poor each year, with more being requested. Medicare and Medicaid were both established in 1965, but 45 years later, the government can’t find a fix for them. Last, but certainly not least, let’s not forget that the Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. Today it has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget in excess of $24 billion a year and, as a country, we import more oil than ever before. With 33 years to get it right, it is nothing more than a governmental albatross.

However, now that we have a government controlled healthcare system, I want to say...

Here is where I would like to hear your thoughts. Admittedly, between the news media and academia my views on our elected officials have become tainted. So, I wanted to give you an opportunity to complete this editorial. All you need to do is pick up where I left off above and e-mail your commentary back to me (  All responses will be posted on the Web site. Notice I said all responses will be posted. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and Tea Party members are all welcome to express their views. Please, no profanities!



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