MicroPort Orthopedics’ Evolution NitrX medial-pivot knee system

Features a titanium niobium nitride coating; medial-pivot design built on the evidence of the natural stability and kinematic motion of the knee.

Evolution NitrX Medial-Pivot Knee
Evolution NitrX Medial-Pivot Knee

MicroPort Orthopedics, a medical device company that develops and manufactures cutting edge joint replacement implants designed to help patients achieve full function faster, launched of the Evolution NitrX medial-pivot knee system.

The MicroPort Orthopedics medial-pivot knee system now stands on more than 20 years of clinically demonstrated success with its novel medial-pivot design built on the evidence of the natural stability and kinematic motion of the knee.

The Evolution NitrX medial-pivot knee features a titanium niobium nitride (TiNbN) coating that has been shown in simulated clinical testing to reduce the release of cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), molybdenum (Mb), and nickel (Ni) ions common in standard CoCr implants.1 The Evolution NitrX medial-pivot knee builds upon the same medial-pivot legacy of 95% patient satisfaction with 98.8% survivorship at 17 years.2

1 MicroPort Orthopedics Data on File.

2 George A. Macheras et al. “A long term clinical outcome of the Medial Pivot Knee Arthroplasty System.” The Knee Journal, Published: January 29, 2017.