When choosing a motion network, the key factors to focus on are very simple. Does it deliver the performance you need? Is it reliable and safe? How easy is it to use? Can you afford to pay for it? This article reviews these four areas and the technical background to help facilitate the readers' understanding of digital motion networks.
Ethernet has become the ubiquitous office network platform, and it seems that it
will continue its triumphant progress into industrial automation. In the early days of
digital networks, the lack of bandwidth, determinism, and high latency led to distributed
processing solutions being offered to the market. For motion systems, the result
was intelligent servo drive products that are used to interpolate between the irregular
and infrequent data points transmitted over the network. For high performance and
multi-axis applications, such methods are typically not sufficient. They require a different
control model where the processing is performed centrally. The ±10V analog
torque interface has, until recently, been the industry standard in centralized motion
control, but new networking solutions promise to bring valuable change.
SynqNet is the first commercially available 100BaseT (IEEE802.3) network that offers all the performance advantages of a centralized control model, together with enhanced performance, fault tolerance, reliability and diagnostic features. SynqNet, developed by Danaher Motion, has been adopted by leading drive companies like Yaskawa, Advanced Motion Controls, Panasonic, Glentek, Sanyo Denki, and Trust Automation.
Sample of a control structure for high-performance motion control.
High performance motion control systems depend on a number of key technology components that work together seamlessly in an integrated fashion. A perfect control system must transmit the desired motion profile into the movements of one or more servo axes. Achieving this often requires translation from XYZ ‘space' coordinates to machine or ‘joint' coordinates, using some form of kinematic model.
Kinematic models and compensation techniques are not new concepts, and they rely on a central motion processor to perform fast, accurate matrix computations based on multiple inputs generating multiple outputs. The term MIMO (Multiple In Multiple Out) is often used to describe this class of control systems and the software control models. The exact type of inputs, outputs and matrix computations will vary by application and by the proprietary know-how of the machine builder.
Whatever the final software control model, it is important that the total servo cycle time is minimized. The shorter the cycle time, the tighter the control system, and the higher the performance of the machine mechanism. For fast point-topoint moves, or accurate path motion, the cycle time becomes a significant factor in machine performance.
Modern control systems take multiple
demand inputs and multiple feedback
inputs. For effective high performance
control, demand data and feedback data
must be transmitted synchronously, with
very short cycle times and low latencies.
Any transmission delay represents a
phase delay in the control system, which
limits the achievable gain and the effective
response time of a machine.
Minimum Cycle Times.
All networks rely on the sampling of
data at some discrete time based on
a clock reference. When independent
systems with independent clocks are
connected together, as is the case with
a network, the natural and random variances
in clock frequency can present
a challenge. Many engineers are familiar
with the concept of ‘beating' when
two high frequency sources, closely
matched but not exact, beat at different
frequencies. Digital control systems
are no different, and in a collision-free
network, the beating ("jitter" in networking
parlance) arises primarily from differences
between the local clocks at the
master and slave nodes. Electromagnetic
interference can also contribute to
jitter in a real-world network. This jitter is
transmitted directly to the path motion;
for accurate path motion, it is necessary
to have minimal jitter.
Skew is a constant delay of a data transmission between transmitter and receiver, or between network nodes. It's caused by the propagation delay of the cable (approx. 1µs/100m) and delays in internal logic circuitry. For high performance motion control, skew becomes relevant and the network has to be capable of measuring the skew and compensating for it.
For a single axis, jitter can result in erratic control behavior such as variation of velocity or oscillatory final position error. For multi-axis systems, the results are more severe.
Skew introduces a constant phase shift between network nodes. Coordinated axes do not receive a simultaneous set of command values.
SynqNet limits the jitter to less than 1µs
by using phase locked loop techniques
to synchronize the independent clocks
of each network slave to the network
master. This provides superior performance
to other non-synchronized networks
such as TCP/IP or IP/UDP based
Ethernet networks that can cut jitter
down to only 20µs using time stamps.
Jitter and Skew.
Ethernet protocols introduce additional overhead burdens that limit typical cycle times and latencies to 1ms or longer. While this level of performance may be adequate for many general automation applications, it is not adequate for high performance motion control systems.
Jitter and skew effect shown on 2D circular interpolation and straight line.
SynqNet limits skew to 20ns using algorithms that measure the system's skew and compensate for it in hardware. Jitter and skew are guaranteed for any number of nodes or network traffic conditions.
Ethernet has been designed to transmit
long data packages. A data frame,
according to the IEEE802.3 specification,
consists of 28 controls and at least
46 data bytes. This protocol is oversized
for typical industrial motion applications;
usually the data needs of a node (device)
are small (fewer than 46 bytes). To
reduce the cycle time and latency, SynqNet
has optimized the data frame on
layer 2. Instead of at least 74 bytes, a
SynqNet frame consists of at least 24
bytes. This is a key advantage of SynqNet
over Ethernet, enabling faster and
more predictable performance.
OSI, IEE802.3 and SynqNet Reference Models.
Standard Ethernet relies upon a single pair of wires to transmit and receive data. Access to the wire is managed by a wellestablished mechanism known as multiple access collision detect (MACD). As the name suggests, multiple devices on the network try to access the same piece of wire. If two devices try to talk at the same time, a collision occurs and the device stops transmitting, only to retry later after some random time. Such a mechanism is inherently non-deterministic and as the number of devices on the network increases, the collision time increases, almost exponentially resulting in a rapid degradation of performance. For office networking and general automation, the lack of determinism works just fine; however, for most serious motion applications, alternate solutions are required.
SynqNet was designed to eliminate the MACD mechanism. It uses a synchronous method (hence the name) to transmit data on a regular time-scheduled manner to every device. Independent receive and transmit wire pairs (fullduplex) are used to avoid data collisions and deliver a deterministic date rate of 2 x 100Mbit. The result is cycle times as short as 25 Ms for 4 axes. In addition, SynqNet has a configurable packet structure that allows for cycle times as low as 10Ms.
SynqNet can be configured in either a
string or a ring topology. The ring topology
offers convenient wiring and tolerance
to cable break, loose connection, or
complete fault within a SynqNet system.
Standard Ethernet vs. SynqNet.
"Self-Healing" fault tolerance refers to an ability to operate after an actual cable break, loose connection or complete fault of any node or nodes. As an example, if two out of five nodes fail, SynqNet is still able to control the remaining three nodes, flag the application, and then execute alternative motion parameters. A closed ring ensures that there is always a redundant data path for transmitted data through the entire ring. SynqNet uses this redundant path as a secondary data channel.
In the event that a wiring segment fails, SynqNet hardware re-routes the data path within two servo cycles and the network connection remains available. At the same time, the application will be informed about the event and event location, allowing the machine to respond in a manner appropriate to the specific situation.
Ring Topology & Self-Healing Fault Tolerance.
In addition, each node has its own watchdog timer. Even if the host or whole network fails, each node can react in a predictable and safe way for a smooth and controlled shut down. To predict possible network failures, SynqNet includes transmission error counters at every node. Any abnormal increase in error count can be used to alert the application software and localize the potential problem before it becomes a catastrophic failure.
Both SynqNet and Firewire (IEEE
1394) networks are designed to accommodate
a large number of nodes. When
nodes are distributed around a machine
or plant, they are often referenced to different
ground domains, which introduces
ground noise and circulating currents.
IEEE 1394 cables provide a DC connection
between these grounds and can
cause a ground loop. Ground currents
will adversely affect IEEE 1394 network
reliability. Effects include degradation of
data signals and excessive EMI from the
cable, which translate to erroneous, possibly
dangerous motion performance, or
system shut down. If the ground currents
are high enough, system components
can be damaged, as well as create personal
shock hazards.
The IEEE 1394 network is designed to source and/or sink power to/from remote nodes, allowing nodes that do not have their own power to function on the network. This feature, coupled with the highspeed signaling rate required in an IEEE 1394 system, makes DC cable isolation unfeasible.
In contrast, industry-standard network systems like 100BaseT (IEEE802.3) and others employ DC cable isolation that use transformers or optical couplers. Since SynqNet is based on 100BaseT, the EMI problems inherent in 1394 networks are avoided.
Networks are conceptually simple,
designed to transport data between devices.
But the mechanics of transporting
data in the real world, reliably, safely,
and in a timely and synchronous fashion,
demand some very complex underlying
SynqNet was designed with the machine builder in mind. Setup and configuration are simplified using techniques such as auto discovery of network devices, common tuning, and reporting methods.
The interoperability of networks is often
misunderstood and misrepresented.
For example, the IEEE 1394 standard
defines an interface at the network device
driver level. It does not define the
software interface to a motion control
application and no 1394-automation
standard exists to resolve multi-vendor interoperability problems. As a result,
1394 is available from multiple vendors,
yet there is no common software API,
making multi-vendor interoperability impractical,
if not impossible. The machine
designer is effectively locked into a specific
vendor offering closed 1394 drives
and controls.
Network Comparison.
However, SynqNet offers a common software API for all network devices from multiple vendors. SynqNet products are now commercially available from U.S. and Japanese suppliers offering both standard and custom motion products. The API is available as a set of powerful C/C++ or VisualBasic motion libraries.
SynqNet tools are designed to work
with networked motion systems that contain
components from multiple vendors.
Tools for real-time data graphing, network
configuration and management,
mechanical characterization and optimization
are available for windows platforms,
and can also be used across any
TCP/IP socket connection.
SynqNet has the ability to verify firmware
revisions and to perform firmware
downloads to every device on the network.
This simplifies the process of configuration
management of software, firmware,
even FPGA images, and provides
an efficient method for implementing machine
upgrade packages, or installing
spare components of unknown configuration
status in the field.
The availability for real-time node
information enables predictive
maintenance, remote diagnosis and repair
regimes to be supported. For example,
if the node is a SynqNet amplifier,
parameters such as temperature, fault
and warning conditions, configuration,
drive motor, and encoder information
can all be accessed remotely and in
real-time by the user application.
Easy Upgrade, remote configuration and diagnostics.
The key components of a motion
system include the motion processor,
the drives, and the I/O. SynqNet is supported
by a growing number of servo
drive vendors, offering standard and
custom products, single and multiaxis,
ranging from 10W to 10KW. A wide
choice of components provides design
flexibility and ensures competitive pricing
from the world's leading drive and
motor vendors.
Not all networks are created equal.
High performance motion networks
demand tightly managed timing regimes
to ensure synchronous and real-time
updates across multiple axes. While
Ethernet offers adequate performance
for general purpose applications that use
distributed control, it is generally too slow
for more demanding situations. In these
cases, a fast synchronous network is
required to connect a centralized motion
processor to multiple servo axes.
SynqNet was designed specifically to support high-performance, centralized control systems, and offer additional benefits including fault tolerance, simple discovery-based configuration, and high noise immunity. In addition, SynqNet is supported by multiple drive vendors delivering a wide array of cost competitive products.
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