Regulatory benchmarking

The Veeva MedTech “2022 Year-end Regulatory Benchmark Report” examines the medical device, diagnostic, and digital health industry’s progress towards modernizing regulatory operations by gathering the experiences of regulatory affairs professionals from nearly 100 medtech organizations globally.

#1 priority

Centralizing regulatory over the next 24 months

Initiatives in place to harmonize function across divisions, geographies

  • 54% Identified areas where digital technology adds value54% Harmonized global processes across regulatory operations
  • 40% Selected digital technology
  • 13% Implemented a digit global regulatory information management (RIM) system for end-to-end regulatory management
  • 11% have a global RIM system

Few areas with positive shifts from 2021 to 2022

Collect global registration data in a single system, with all data collected once & available real-time

2021 – 8%

2022 – 14%

Global content reuse across submissions, regions, business units is an area of industry modernizing in the next two years

2021 – 54%

2022 – 57%

Have an integrated file share across regions to archive, view published submission output

2021 – 23%

2022 – 31%

Have a standard global process for archiving with automated compilation

2021 – 13%

2022 – 15%

Have a unified system for forecasting, planning, and tracking submissions

2021 – 13%

2022 – 16%


Key areas for improvement:

83% capture post-market changes for products using partial integrations, siloed solutions, manual processes – increasing the risk of missing key product updates

70% manage regulatory content on local laptops, file shares, regional document management systems

51% collect Unique Device Identification (UDI) data from multiple sources

41% review, approve, publish regulatory submissions individually, via email

21% don’t have a governance structure in place, slowing the ability to register UDI data, assess the impact on UDI attributes

1% have a unified RIM system that provides automated analytics; most rely on manual processes to generate regulatory reports, track performance

Download the report:

Source: Download the report:
April 2023
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