Next generation process controls for AFM to be unveiled

Building on its original AFM technology, Extrude Hone is introducing the next level of process capability with AutoFlow AFM.

Building on its original AFM technology, Extrude Hone is introducing the next level of process capability with AutoFlow AFM. The AutoFlow AFM process represents a step forward in AFM processing as it offers efficiencies that improve process predictability, increases output quality, and enables wider applications.

While the new AutoFlow AFM is a significant advancement, it is not considered a replacement for thetraditional, pressure-driven AFM process. The AFM process uniformly smoothes and blends in features to a quality level and speed unachievable by hand or machine finishing.

At the heart of the AFM process is Extrude Hone's unique, abrasive- laden polymer media, which produces the repeatable finishing results that are important to a workpiece's performance, strength, andreliability. While AFM processing is designed to maintain constant pressure to the media, it occasionally results in some fluctuations of the temperature, flow rate, and viscosity. AutoFlow AFM maintains a constant and consistent media flow rate designed to achieve repeatable results on workpieces that require tighter tolerances or are more sensitive to the production process. Through the inclusion of position sensors, hydraulic valves, and a highly sophisticated controls program, the Auto- Flow AFM environment inherently minimizes the stress applied to the media and provides an evolutionary progression in AFM technology.

EXTRUDE HONE Corporation Irwin, PA Booth #B-7100

July August 2006
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