Published annually, "The World Medical Device Markets Fact Book" has become the premiere resource for devicemaker senior executives, market analysts, business development, and international relations staffs.
Got your eye on a promising market? "The World Medical Device Markets Fact Book" helps you evaluate its stability and growth potential. Wondering if a country’s devicemaking capabilities are booming or troubled? Rely on "The World Medical Device Markets Fact Book" for balanced in-depth analysis. Eyeing an emerging nation where profits could be huge but reliable market data is scarce? "The World Medical Device Markets Fact Book" has the intelligence you seek.
"The World Medical Device Markets Fact Book" examines 66 medical device markets worldwide, and includes:
- Key economic, demographic and health statistics
- Five years of historical data for trending
- More than 500 tables and charts
- Online access to Espicom Interactive, which offers full-text cross-file searching, presentation-ready tables and graphics, instant translation into nine languages, and a report-building tool
- And much more
Especially valuable — Profiles of the world’s five major marketing regions, with detailed rundowns on trade, economic status, demographics and health outlays. You will discover:
- Which medical device sectors, nations, and regions are growing the fastest
- The demographic phenomenon that’s transforming device markets in Central and Eastern Europe
- Country comparisons in percentage of GDP spent on healthcare, and finally
- Key trends affecting devicemakers in emerging markets
The report is prepared each year by Espicom Business Intelligence, for 30 years the go-to source for specialized drug and device market competitive analysis.
You cannot compete on the world stage without key data on demographics, currencies, healthcare spending and more. Here is information at your fingertips — a reference work you’ll rely on day, in day out.
"The World Medical Device Markets Fact Book" is available in print (approx. 400pp.) or PDF format for $865. Act now: place your order here. (Add $10 shipping and handling per book for printed books shipped to the U.S. and Canada, or $35 per book for books shipped elsewhere. Virginia residents, please add 5% sales tax.)
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