Grade of Medical Plastics Offers Lower Stiffness Properties

Bayer meets market need for a more ductile material for use in drug delivery devices, other medical applications.

Medical equipment manufacturers searching for just the right material for their application now have another option, as Bayer MaterialScience LLC has added depth to its already strong family of medical materials. 

Bayblend® M750 polycarbonate/acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (PC/ABS) meets manufacturers’ needs for a more ductile material for use in medical applications, such as medical electronics or devices. Certain drug delivery devices, in particular, would benefit from the material’s lower stiffness. 

Bayblend M750 PC/ABS is supplied in pellet form for processing by injection molding. A noteworthy attribute of Bayblend M750 PC/ABS is its biocompatibility. The material meets FDA-modified ISO 10993 – Part 1, and it can be formulated by Bayer with select colorants to maintain its ISO 10993 – Part 1 compliance.

This new grade of Bayblend plastic expands Bayer’s existing family of Bayblend PC/ABS medical grades – Bayblend M850, Bayblend M850XF and Bayblend M301FR. “For decades, Bayer has provided medical OEMs with technically advanced materials that help meet the critical design, manufacturing and end-use performance parameters of their applications,” states Bruce Fine, market segment leader, Medical and Consumer Products - Polycarbonates, Bayer MaterialScience LLC. “Our introduction of this new, more ductile material continues this tradition.”