Manufacturing technology

Integrating machine tending automation; Reducing build times with AM systems; Zero point clamping


Integrating machine tending automation

Hurco Companies Inc. will show visitors of the 2024 International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) how easy it is to implement and benefit from machine-tending automation thanks to the ProCobots-Hurco integration.

Hurco will demonstrate the capabilities of ProCobots automation on several Hurco machines, illustrating the simplicity of setting up and running jobs through the Hurco control’s Automation Job Manager feature, which eliminates the need for robot programming. Attendees will also see how quick it is to move ProCobots from one machine to another, as well as the collaborative robot’s safety features.

While IMTS guests will notice the focus on automation, the Hurco control is what makes such complete automation integration possible. To demonstrate the power and flexibility of the Hurco control, visitors can interact with demo consoles and see the demonstrations on the following Hurco models: the new TM8MYi with live tooling and a Y-axis and the TM8i slant-bed lathe; the 3-axisVM ONE, VM15Di, VMX42Di, and the 5-axis VMX60SRTi and VC500i. Hurco will also give visitors a glimpse of the future look of Hurco machines, exhibiting design concepts of the Hurco control and the CNC machine.

IMTS 2024 booth #338319


Reducing build times with AM systems

Renishaw’s TEMPUS technology enables users of RenAM 500 series metal additive manufacturing (AM) systems to reduce build times up to 50%. The technology uses advanced scanning algorithms that sequence the layer data to maximize productivity while maintaining part quality. The optimization suits some part geometries more than others, but all geometries can see productivity benefits. Parts with thin, vertical features, for example, are likely to experience proportionally higher productivity savings. This new technology will be on display at IMTS 2024 in Chicago at the Renishaw Additive Manufacturing booth.

TEMPUS technology is standard with the new RenAM 500 Ultra system, as well as advanced process monitoring software. The combination of significantly reduced build times and detailed build insights means the RenAM 500 Ultra delivers cost-effective, reliable additive manufacturing for metal component production. Existing RenAM 500 series customers can access TEMPUS technology as a paid-for upgrade, to make the most of their machine investment.

While traditional powder bed systems require the powder recoater to fully distribute powder before the layer can be consolidated, TEMPUS technology fires the lasers as the recoater is moving. The patented technology employs seamless communication between advanced software and hardware components to synchronize the system lasers with the powder recoater, removing up to nine seconds of build time from every layer. This can reduce the total build time by hours, without reducing part quality.

Using the RenAM 500 Ultra to create production-ready metal parts means AM users can remain agile when faced with changing demands, are unrestricted by complex part geometries, and can seamlessly scale capacity to suit business needs.

Renishaw’s RenAM 500 series systems, including the RenAM 500 Ultra, are available with one (500S) or four (500Q) high powered lasers, each able to access the whole powder bed simultaneously. This allows for efficient laser assignment and significantly higher build rates, improving productivity and lowering the cost per part. RenAM 500 Ultra models are equipped with automated powder and waste handling systems optimized for volume production.

IMTS 2024 booth #433239


Zero point clamping

The WPS XL (Workpiece Positioning System) is for 5-axis machining in milling, measuring, and grinding operations. With an emphasis on flexibility and speed, users can reduce setup time 90% or more with single, quick actuation for rapid module operations in only three rotations. The solid drive system comprises hardened components, while the three clamping slides ensure maximum hold during clamping. Additionally, the system features Proofline technology fully sealed against swarf and chips to minimize maintenance.

Offering interchangeability with most industry stationary workholding systems, WPS XL includes the ability to use, with standard WPS modules, specially designed clamping bolts with fasteners from 10mm to 24mm that are case hardened with corrosion-resistant coating.

The WPS XL, part of SMW Autoblok’s line of WPS clamping modules offered in 40, 60, 80, 100, 140, 160, and 200mm heights, guarantees precision clamping of nearly any size workpiece. All modules can be mounted on a T-slotted table or grid plate manufactured with highly tempered quality steel with a special coating to protect against rust and contaminants.

SMW Autoblok
IMTS 2024 booth #431617

August 2024
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