Happy Holidays!

Warm holiday wishes from the team at Today's Medical Developments, Aerospace Manufacturing and Design, and Today's Motor Vehicles.

The Christmas tree in the center was 3D-printed in the traditional manner, and displays the extra material to support each branch. Beside it are the two halves of the same tree printed using the new algorithm, with no supportive material to remove.
The Christmas tree in the center was 3D-printed in the traditional manner, and displays the extra material to support each branch. Beside it are the two halves of the same tree printed using the new algorithm, with no supportive material to remove.
Photo courtesy of Simon Fraser University

Cleveland, Ohio - Happy holidays from everyone at GIE Media. As we take time to observe the holiday season and spend time with our family and friends, we hope you are able to do the same.

To learn more about different holiday celebrations and traditions around the world, click here