Laser welder provides an easy means tocombine hybrid metal combinations

LASAG will live demonstate the EasyWelder SLS200 CL16, a Swiss quality solid-state laser system of LASAG's Welding LightWare.

LASAG will live demonstate the EasyWelder SLS200 CL16, a Swiss quality solid-state laser system of LASAG's Welding LightWare. The EasyWelder, covering a working range up to 220 Watts, has been engineered to make precision seam and spot welding simple, and, to join challenging materials and material combinations.

Material combinations such as Cu, Al, Au, Ag Ti, Ni or Ta are possible as well as spot welding of brittle or high carbon content steel with the SHADOW process. This process entails pulse lengths up to 100ms to achieve hermetic high-speed welds.

Along with the state of the art RTPS (Real Time Power Supply) and RTCP (Real Time Check of Actual Laser Performance) technology, unique only to the EasyWelder, is the unrivalled pulse-to-pulse stability down to 0.5\%. High-resolution pulse forming technology, peak power control, pulse on demand, and power burst mode bring new solutions to difficult applications.

The system is available with up to 6 outputs for fiber core diameters of 100, 200, 400 or 600 µm operating in energy and/or time-sharing mode with pulse-on-demand operation. Additional features are the integrated welding database solution EasyWeld, the completely sealed power supply. The interface and software are compatible with PC terminals, including Windows, and a modem for remote operation and diagnostics is also available.

LASAG Industrial-Lasers Buffalo Grove, IL Booth #B-6135

July August 2006
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