INDEX’s global open house returns in 2022

The delegation will attend the event, visit the operations of a German manufacturer, and tour INDEX’s three world-class production facilities.



INDEX officials announce the company will be hosting its Global Open House March 22-25, 2022, in Reichenbach, Germany. This marks the return of the event, which had to be canceled in 2020 and 2021. INDEX Corp., the North American subsidiary of the company, is currently planning to take a delegation of 50 manufacturers from the United States and Canada to the event via a trip planned for March 20-25, 2022.

True to its name in scope, INDEX’s Global Open House traditionally draws more than 2,000 attendees from countries across the world. Guests receive a first look at new technologies from the company, including cutting demonstrations on nearly 20 machines. Additionally, sessions offered throughout the week focus on the practical application of technology to drive growth, and attendees also have the opportunity to interact with over 20 co-exhibiting providers of complementary manufacturing technologies.

The North American delegation will not only attend the event, but also visit the operations of a German manufacturer and tour INDEX’s three world-class production facilities in Reichenbach, Deizisau, and Esslingen. INDEX is currently assembling the delegation with a focus on manufacturers who are innovators and leaders within their industry segments. Companies that would like to be considered for inclusion may submit an inquiry to National Sales Director Mike Huggett at