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Fraunhofer Institute benchmarks AM density determination technologies; Wohlers Report 2023 - the 28th annual edition


Fraunhofer Institute benchmarks AM density determination technologies

The density determination of additively manufactured (AM) parts is crucial due to its impact on the structural integrity and performance of the components. Accurate density assessment enables manufacturers to ensure the quality and reliability of parts. It also helps identify defects, porosity, or voids within the material, which could compromise the strength and durability of the final product. By measuring density, manufacturers can verify if the AM process was executed optimally, guaranteeing parts meet the desired specifications and adhere to industry standards.

With this in mind, Fraunhofer IAPT commissioned an independent study of the various AM density determination technologies available, and found the automated density determination from Dimensionics Density is particularly recommended where a statement on the density must be made quickly or frequently, and the company’s solution allows machine approvals to be simplified.



Wohlers Report 2023 - the 28th annual edition – takes a deep dive into the growth of the additive manufacturing (AM) industry, covering 10 industry sectors. The report provides insights, market analysis, and expert forecasts to help navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of AM. Gain a thorough understanding of AM and applications from pre- to post-processing, and learn about the latest technologies, applications, and trends from top industry experts. The report delivers industry intelligence from a worldwide network of experts, including service providers, AM system manufacturers, and producers of third-party materials.

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