IMTS 2024 Conference Schedule - Tuesday

9:00 - 9:55IMTS16 Room W192-A
Ami Yacar | VARDEX
Product Manager
The Perfect Thread: Revolutionizing the Threading Method to Decrease Machining Time and Increase Productivity
Process Innovations: Machining
IMTS17 Room W192-B
Fastech Engineering
Jeremiah Williams | IALR
CNC Technologist and Engineering Manager; Alan Pearce | CEO/President; Bill Sebring |  VP of the Technical Center  (R&D) (Kyocera)
Tooling and Proper Application of Machining Strategies for WAAM (Wire Arc Additive Manufactured) Parts and Components
Alternative Processes: Additive/3D Printing
IMTS18 Room W192-C
Matthew Panosh | Group Manager Stationary Workholding
Boosting Productivity with Robotic Machine Tending
Automation: Robotics
10:00 - 10:55IMTS19 Room W193-A
Eric Whitley | Director of Industrial Transformation
Transforming Continuous Improvement: The Role of AI and Connected Worker Technology
Plant Operations: Training/Workforce
IMTS20 Room W193-B
Mark Blosser | Director
of Technology Solutions
Revolutionizing Tool Design
and Performance: The Role
of Additive 3D Printing
Process Innovations: Tooling
IMTS21 Room W194-A
Fastems LLC
Risto Niemi | Business Area Director
Automation for Everyone! Flexible Automation Systems Open the Door for Shops of All Sizes to Integrate Automatized Solutions Tailored to Their Needs Without Breaking the Bank
Automation: Systems Integration
11:00 - 11:55IMTS22 Room W192-A
Rosler Metal Finishing USA
Bill Barker | Product Manager
Frequently Asked Questions about AM Post Processing
Alternative Processes: Additive/3D Printing
IMTS23 Room W192-B
Denis Velescu, Industrial Metrologist 
Mastering Precision: Optimizing Manufacturing Operations with Metrology for Traceability, Quality, and Cost-Effective Process Control
Quality/Metrology: Inspection
IMTS24 Room W192-C
Chad Chmura | Sales Engineer II
B-Axis Turning Techniques
Yield A+ Results
Process Innovations: Software
12:00 - 1:10LUNCH
1:15 - 2:10IMTS25 Room W193-A
Datanomix & EBITA
Growth Systems
Greg McHale | CEO\
Dave Capkovitz | Principal
Quoting This Way is Killing Your Profits
Automation: IIoT/Industry 4.0
IMTS26 Room W193-B
MT Connect
Russ Waddell | Secretary, MTConnect Standards Committee
Out of the Lab: Hype vs. Practice for Industrial Digital Twins
Process Innovations

IMTS27 Room W194-A
Simon Knecht | Vice President Sales & Marketing

Michael Huber 

Sustainability in Manufacturing – Now What?
Plant Operations: Sustainability

2:15 - 3:10IMTS28 Room W192-A
Jason Lichtman | Senior Technical Specialist – Design & Manufacturing
Leveraging AI and Advanced Modeling Techniques to Design Better Products for Additive Manufacturing
Process Innovations: Software
IMTS29 Room W192-B
Dr. Zach Detweiler | Vice
President of Technology
The benefits of Using 3D-printing-designed Metal Alloys for Your Parts
Process Innovations: Materials
IMTS30 Room W192-C
The L.S. Starett Co.
Greg Maisch | Engineering Manager
How Vision Measurement and Inspection Ensures Maximum Quality Control: Overview of Technology Options
Quality/Metrology: Vision Systems
3:15 - 4:10IMTS31 Room W193-A
Dr. Vivek Saxena | CEO
Practical and Affordable Factory Digital Twins for SMEs
Automation: IIoT/Industry 4.0
IMTS32 Room W193-B
Aligned Vision
Matt Zmijewski | COO
A System Solution to Quality Escapes from Manual Manufacturing Processes
Quality/Metrology: Vision Systems
IMTS33 Room W194-A
Giorgio Oliveri | Applications Director
Advance the Industrialization 
of Metal Additive Manufacturing
Alternative Processes: Additive/3D Printing


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