Brushed DC Motors

The RE 65 power package delivers 250W, and can handle the toughest demands.

The RE 65 power package delivers 250W, and can handle the toughest demands. The motor is particularly suitable for applications where high efficiency, high power density and minimal operating noise are crucial. The heart of the RE 65 is the ironless rotor, meaning that the drive works detent-free and has minimal rotor inertia. High torques and very quick acceleration times are produced in combination with the fourpole structure of the Neodymium permanent magnets.

Depending on the winding variation, the cylindrical drive, at 65mm diameter and 130mm length, delivers nominal torque of 0.5Nm to 0.9Nm – at a nominal speed of 2,400rpm to 3,700rpm. The power density is more than double compared to existing drives. The RE65 can reach efficiency levels of up to 90%, combined with low nominal voltages in the 18V to 70V range.

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September 2008
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