It’s Time to Wake Up

Tom Grasson
Associate Publisher/Editorial Director

We are only weeks away from what promises to be the most important presidential election for decades to come. This election is sure to impact our lives, as well as the lives of our children and grandchildren. Frankly, this election has me worried.

As I see it, we must focus on electing a president that has moxie and a strong desire to unite the American people. No doubt, improving the economy, creating jobs, paying down the national debt, and resolving key social issues is vital to the future success of the United States. These are certainly critical issues that need to be resolved and resolved quickly. However, the real focus of this election must be on resolving the issue of class warfare, which politicians have skillfully brought to the forefront of this presidential election without anyone realizing it.

Pitting the middle class against the wealthy is pulling this country apart. Thanks to our politicians, Democrats as well as Republicans, liberals as well as conservatives, there is more animosity between the middle class and the wealthy in America today than at any other time that I can remember. Creating envy and hatred among people because of how much money they have or do not have is not going to solve a thing. In the end, it will only cause more problems.

Without ever realizing it, the American people have allowed politicians to tap into the politics of division in a desperate attempt to get elected. Rather than focusing on real issues and real solutions, these elected officials are playing the blame game to their benefit. Time after time, we hear the wealthy are not paying their fair share of taxes. We hear that those without wealth are playing the system with their give-me-something-for-nothing attitude.

I believe that the majority of people that are wealthy, as well as the majority of people that are having problems making ends meet, are not purposely trying to abuse the system. I also believe that most Americans receiving government benefits today would rather be working and providing for their families because they understand that government handouts can never provide dignity and hope for a better future. Unfortunately, it appears that a large percentage of politicians fail to admit this. Rather they want to pit the wealthy against the middle class and the middle class against the wealthy in an attempt to get votes.

It’s been said that class warfare is never about the haves and the have nots. Rather, it is about the exploiter and the exploited. Truth be told, this is the situation today. The American people deserve better. They deserve elected officials that care for their constituents. They deserve elected officials with backbone and moxie that are willing to do the right thing.

However, the American people also need to take responsibility for ending this middle class warfare. We need to ensure that individuals and small businesses are provided an opportunity to succeed. We need to reduce the undue influence that big government has on our economic system. We need to create an environment where anyone with a good idea and a willingness to work hard can succeed.

So take the time to know the candidates and the issues, and cast your ballot with an informed conscience.


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