Lin Engineering's SilverPak 17T is a bipolar, 1.8°, NEMA 17 step motor integrated with a micro stepping driver and intelligent controller, all in one compact unit. By eliminating the need for external equipment, it provides easy system integration for newly designed applications. Additional benefits of the SilverPak 17T are its smooth motion applications and RoHS compliant capabilities. The SilverPak 17T is available in body lengths of 2.76 in., 2.99 in., and 3.31 in., capable of producing up to 85 oz-in of holding torque depending on the stack size of the motor. The SilverPak 17T features output currents of 0.1 to 1.5 amps peak, input voltage of 7VDC to 28VDC, and 16k bytes of on-board memory. There are two digital limit switches, one general-purpose input that allows for manual positioning of the motor, and another open collector output capable of outputting 100mA. Once programmed, the SilverPak 17T is capable of stand-alone operation with no connection to a PC, also eliminating the need for an encoder with its stall detection feature, StallGuard. Lin Engineering Santa Clara, CA
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